Sutherland responds to Nebraska Public Power District designation as potential SMR site

NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska (KNOP) – The Village of Sutherland has been named as one of 16 sites advancing to Phase 2 of the Nebraska Public Power District’s Next Gen Nuclear survey.

The village, which is home to just over 1,000 people, is not new territory for the NPPD. The Gerald Gentleman Station is located south of town on Highway 25.

Although less than a week has passed since the announcement, residents and business owners have already begun to form opinions about the nuclear power plant.

Scott Carlson, owner of Maline’s Super Foods, said Sutherland would be a great fit for SMR because the NPPD is critical to the city’s success.

“NPPD is an important part of Sutherland and an important part of our business,” Carlson said. “You don’t stand in this store long without seeing someone walk by with an NPPD t-shirt or jacket on. So it would be great if more people had a reason to come to Sutherland and experience Sutherland.”

Howdy Jochum, a long-time resident of Sutherland, also sees the potential of an SMR as positive.

“My first thought is that it would be good for the economy of this region,” Jochum said. “The dangers posed by nuclear power plants are pretty low, and I think it would probably be a good idea.”

While most initial reactions are positive, there is also scepticism among a group of Sutherland residents who have witnessed the construction of the Gerald Gentleman Station. One Sutherland resident reflected on the pros and cons of the SMR and said that while nuclear power may sound scary, growth for the village is something every community should strive for.

As part of Phase 2, the NPPD will visit Sutherland sometime in the next two years to explain what nuclear power is and the benefits it offers.

Whether Sutherland will be one of the two to four communities that advance to Phase 3 will not be decided for another two years. This will give Sutherland plenty of time to decide whether nuclear energy is right for the country.

The Village of Sutherland was among 16 potential sites that advanced to Phase 2 of the NPPD’s Next Gen Nuclear Survey.

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By Jasper

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