Dutch manufacturer presents lead-gel battery for private use – pv magazine International

A new Dutch home battery offers a new twist on old technology: gel lead-acid batteries for safe operation.

From ESS News

SS4U, a new venture of parent company TSS4U, a Dutch off-grid solar energy specialist and engineering firm, has launched a new battery for private use. It is based on a technology that makes old things new again: lead-acid, just with a twist.

The battery is a gel lead-acid implementation developed in collaboration with VDL Groep, a diversified Dutch manufacturer in energy, mobility, technology and more. It features an integrated charging system from ESS4U that optimizes the battery’s lifespan and performance.

A Qurmit system can store 17.6 kWh of energy, discharging at 2.4 kW and charging at 2 kW. The downside is weight: the system weighs 550 kg, compared to a more common home battery, such as the Tesla Powerwall 3, which stores 13.5 kWh and weighs 130 kg and is based on lithium iron phosphate (LFP) chemistry.

However, the advantages of Qurmit are that the batteries can operate at temperatures between -40 °C and 55 °C, making them superior to LFP batteries in both the lower and upper temperature ranges. There is also no thermal runaway or fire risk. In addition, according to the company, the components are entirely European and manufactured in Eindhoven.

In addition, recycling is much easier and the system can be used indoors. The company states a lifespan of 20 to 25 years.

Dop Brzesowsky, Managing Director of ESS4U, said: “We have many years of experience using gel technology for large industrial off-grid solar energy projects. After thorough research and an extensive testing phase, we are now at the point where we can offer this fire-safe technology in the form of a home battery. The Qurmit’s battery cells are made from 50% recycled material and the entire home battery is 95% recyclable at end of life.”

Brzesowsky continued: “Since our Qurmit home battery is fireproof, we also solve the insurance problem for small businesses that want to purchase a (home) battery. Damage caused by home batteries based on lithium-ion technology is often not covered by their insurance unless special additional measures are taken, such as fire- and explosion-proof rooms.”

The company told Dutch media that it intends to offer a 90 kVA system with a storage capacity of 740 kWh of energy for the commercial and industrial sectors.

So far, there are only installers in the Netherlands who offer the home battery.

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By Jasper

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