We need your help to get the Cays Park plan reconsidered

Submitted by Richard Tolles and Jennie Portelli

On May 21, 2024, the City Council passed the Cays Park Master Plan in a 3-1 vote on a motion by Councilmember Tanaka. (Councilmembers Tanaka, Downey, and Donovan voted for it and John Duncan voted against it; the mayor was dealing with delays on Mount Everest and was unable to attend.) Approval of this $40 million plan ignores the concerns and preferences of park users by shortening the dog park, removing the popular ball field, and inconveniently relocating the children’s playground. The plan also calls for an unneeded “observation deck” that juts out over Highway 75 (with a cost tag of over $500,000). In addition, the plan dangerously narrows Cays Blvd. from four to two lanes and at least partially removes the median. This is absurd considering that the plan’s Dragon Hill, Observation Deck and Amphitheater attractions aim to transform Cays Park into a regional park, which would significantly increase traffic.

The council vote also exempted the project from environmental review. This raises health and safety concerns because the park sits on land that was formerly the city’s landfill and may contain unknown toxins. The safety of excavating for the buildings included in the approved plan, as well as removing the existing turf to replace it, must therefore be investigated. Additionally, increased use of the park will result in more traffic, cause parking problems and potentially change the quiet character of the community, all of which could affect property values ​​in the Cays.

Fortunately, Council Member and Mayoral Candidate John Duncan intends to address the deficiencies of the ridiculously expensive $40 million Cays Park Plan during the next City Council meeting on August 20. Keep in mind that Coronado has many more pressing issues that need the $40 million than unwanted park amenities. Because Council Member Duncan voted against the plan, he cannot personally request reconsideration of the plan approval. However, he can bring the case up for reconsideration in the hopes that another Council Member or Mayor Richard Bailey will make a request for reconsideration.

It is unfair and irresponsible of the City to push forward with a redevelopment plan as unpopular, flawed and potentially unsafe as the plan Council approved in May. In fact, we have collected 660 petition signatures to spare the park from the City’s proposed redevelopment. All Cays Park supporters must write to Council and demand a renegotiation of the May 21 vote to approve the Cays Park plan. Additionally, it is imperative that we make our voices heard by attending the August 20 Council meeting in person and telling our elected officials what we think.

Richard Tolles and Jennie Portelli
Residents of Coronado

By Jasper

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