The drama of Ana Rosenfeld in Miami by Huracán Milton: “Dios está enojado”

A few hours ago, Ana Rosenfeld was preparing for Huracán Milton (Video: Instagram)

Estoy muerta de miedo“, Dice Ana Rosenfeld from the other side of the line. Installed in Miami after visiting his family, he was literally held prisoner in the Ojo of Torment, waiting in an expectant compartment for the Paso of the Huracán Milton. Faced with deadly dangers and an alarming pressure situation, Milton took to the skies of Florida, not letting meteorologists know that the hurricane at sea was even more destructive than the one that devastated the region years ago, and in the United States activated all protocols and the zones, in which he was evacuated During the restoration of the inhabitants of the Costa and the surrounding area, you must obtain the quantities necessary for rescue. This last group encountered the reading they happened upon throughout the city.

Estoy is located only in the department and is reached through the opening without allowing the view to flow into the air. I’m sure it all starts before I’m with my wife because it’s a ruido for me“, explains Rosenfeld in a dialogue with TV show. The resident has several days of vacation to have fun with his family Stefania And no doubt the adventure splintered into madness when it set off the alarm. “Estamos separadas, ella está en su casa a unas vente cuadras con sus hijos y yo sola en the Departamento, me gustaría que vengan pero ella no quiere venir. You have everything prepared in your home,” make sure the situation in which you are flying is canceled.

Before the emergency, all steps of the protocol are completed. “Cuando me enteré de todo esto, que fue el domingo, Actué with inteligencia: fui a cargar flammable, porque after a few days suele faltar. Yes, I’m in the supermarket, I buy it for every day, batteries, Pilas, water, water. No, I’m not in a position to say nothing“, referring to his precautions to begin before the days of death.

Nunca imagined everything like this. Miro por la ventana y veo a cielo distinto, not like a habitual torment or once it died, but what Parece que Dios was enojado“ expressed himself in this mediocre dialogue.

Ana Rosenfeld and Marcelo Frydlewski on one of their sustainable trips around the world
Ana Rosenfeld and Marcelo Frydlewski on one of their sustainable trips around the world

For the holiday it is also a very special thing because she has achieved her husband’s fallcimiento for three years, Marcelo Frydlewski, who died in October 2021, was in Miami for a half and mediocre time because of the coronavirus. “Estoy has been sending Esperaba messages about the health of my sea for three years in the Mismo-Sillón. It has to be mobilized for me. He had already landed at the temple before his anniversary to record it and never stopped after that. But I think this is exactly this moment,” because he is touched by the situation he finds himself in.

In 2021, Ana and Marcelo traveled to the United States to meet up with their friends and daughters who lived in Miami, and when they made their way to Buenos Aires, they were positive for COVID-19. The virus has become a problem, but your husband is confined to his home due to a complication. Since she has retreated into her refuges and not said a word, it is the moment when they compare the man with what she has been doing for four decades. However, as some doctors had more and more withdrawal symptoms and the doctor could not do this, the communication finally ended. “I was there every time, every time I visited and every time I went looking. The light and the sun are not brilliant as before“, he wrote in a series of family members, whose texts were on their social networks.

By Jasper

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