Xolos saca triunfo the last minute and alarga mal paso paso de Pachuca

Tijuana boarded a new destination in Tuzos with the Gulf of Efraín Álvarez and a motorist of Salomón Rondón during this time.

Tijuana Bus and bus, and ended the 2-1 duel at the Estadio Caliente before a “correction” Pachuca.

From this moment on, go Xolosque han tenido algunos claroscuros en el Apertura 2024I am currently 20 units inferior to the Fifth General and have to do the classification directly.

En tanto, go Tuzos You will start with new unidades on the lower part of the board and make your way Play inLuego de sumar dos descalabros al hilo.


With a good defense, Pachuca The brake brakes in the prime time a few times Xolos What I tataron, but not supieron cómo hacer los goles.

The exchange of letters lasted a minute and maintained a boundary without causing any inconvenience. The places are controlled with the Balón, which controls the area of ​​the Canterano del Pachucael portero José Eulogio, but algunos golpes cortaban por momentsos el juego.

Most of the first part was sent to cargo Pachucato 39′: An appearance by Sergio Hernández, who received Unai Bilbao as Tuvier when he was doing the Pelota training on the Meta line, in the moments when the Tuzos started moving and went on stage in April Tijuana.

Aunque los fronterizos seguían conserviendo, no entraron las variants para vulnerable the arco rival en los primeros 45 minutos.

On the other side of the family, Tijuana With the misma tendency, buscando from the first few minutes to the arco contario, and casi arrancando, a remate ‘xoloitzcuintle’ terminó stroke in the palo izquierdo of the portería defended by José Eulogio, yéndose as an invaluable chance for los Xolos de Tijuana.

In the 56th minute, Kevin Balanta was injured and the Colombia defense was attacked by Alejandro Gómez in a position change.

Pero Tijuana When Efraín Álvarez desperately passed the front in the first hour and in the 67th minute, he finally ran out in the middle of Mictlán with a good surprise from Pierna Izmirda.

Salomón Rondón was unable to make the trip in the 77th minute, despite the Venezuelan’s desperation to return home.

Without embargo, all 80′, Pachuca Finally, I found the boxes near Antonio Rodríguez and ended the encounter with Alejandro Gómez on site.

A few minutes transcurrían y cuando Pachuca ya see with the ‘puntito’, Tijuana Lograba the Triunfo with a Rondón car, a game of “Pizarrón” from the locations on 90’+4′, and a complementary part that you put together seventh minutes.

By Jasper

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