Ministry of Defense: Ukraine can use weapons supplied by Germany at its own discretion

The weapons supplied by Germany to Ukraine become the property of Ukraine from the moment of their handover and Kyiv can use them at its own discretion.

This was stated by the spokesman of the German Ministry of Defense, Arne Collatz, at a briefing on Monday, according to a Ukrinform correspondent.

For the German Defense Ministry, there is no question about the legality of the actions in the Kursk region: International law provides for the possibility of conducting military operations on the territory of the attacking country to protect one’s own state, said Collatz. Therefore, in his opinion, there are no special conditions for the use of weapons provided by the Bundeswehr.

Read also: Head of the Bundestag’s Defense Committee: Kursk operation lays the foundation for talks with Putin’s successor

“After the weapons were transferred from Germany to Ukraine, they already belong to Ukraine, they are Ukrainian weapons… There are no obstacles, so Ukraine is free to choose its options,” the officer said, adding that Ukraine is obliged to comply with international law.

Collatz made it clear that the use of long-range weapons is a different, political issue.

Photo: Serhii Mykhailchuk

By Jasper

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