Current weather: a crazy weekend, that’s what’s going to happen

Current weather: a crazy weekend, that’s what’s going to happenCurrent weather: a crazy weekend, that’s what’s going to happen ‌ ​ The‌ weather in Italy ⁢ is subject to significant changes, especially with the return of heat Southern Italy after ‍more‍ than 10 days of extremely cool weather.

Temperatures have risen sharply and are exceeding 30°C ‍ in regions like ‍ Puglia, Campania, Calabria, BasilicataAnd Sicilywhile Northern Italy has experienced milder conditions due to the influence of cooler currents North Atlantic. However, this “hot scenario” will be short-lived as a wave of cold air will arrive from Northern Europe and will bring a drastic drop in temperature throughout the Italian territory.

Heat peak before change

“The heat peak will be recorded in the next 24 hours with maximum temperatures reaching.” 32°C or 33°C especially in Southern Italy and the main islands. ‍Saturday will be the hottest day, but a significant change will already be apparent in the afternoon.

The flow of cold air that is “already compromised.” Northern Italy ‌will extend towards ​ center And southwhich led to a drastic drop in temperature. between Saturday And SundayIn some regions, a temperature drop of over 10°C is expected.⁤ Places like ⁣ Naples, Bari, Palermoand ⁤ Reggio Calabria could observe a sudden change, starting from maximum temperatures of ⁢ 32°C to values 20°C or 23°C from⁢ Monday. Even in the interior of central Italy and the Po Valley, the minimum temperatures will fall below 10 °C, which will make for a noticeable coolness, especially at night.

Weekend full of weather contrasts ⁢between north and south

The weekend will therefore be characterized by weather with two faces. Saturday, Northern Italy There will be cool weather accompanied by possible isolated rains, especially in the Alpine and pre-Alpine regions.

The temperatures are contained and the maximum values ​​are not exceeded 20°C.

On the contrary, Southern Italy and the main islands will see one last day of summer heat, ⁣with peak exceedances 30°C.​ SundayHowever, the change will be more noticeable: the cold air comes from ⁢ Central Europe will slide south and reach equilibrium Sicily ⁤ and Calabria.

Temperatures will drop by over 10°C compared to previous days, marking the end of the hot phase and the beginning of a cooler and more unstable period. Central Italy will also experience a thermal decline, with maximum temperatures around⁢ 18°C or 23°C. ⁤

Cool Monday, but with mostly sun

Monday will probably be the coolest day of the week, although the sun will shine in many areas Italy.

The maximum temperatures in much of the area are between 18°C And 23°Cwhich made the atmosphere pleasant, but significantly cooler compared to the previous days.

In ⁤the regions of Northern Italyespecially in the Po Valley and the inland areas of Central Italythe minimum temperatures could be fallen below 10°Cespecially at night and early in the morning. ⁣

After a short break, the bad weather returns

‍ ⁤However, this cooling will be short-lived‌ as temperatures will rise again from the ‌first⁤ days October.

In the meantime, a new disturbance in the Atlantic is expected October 2nd And 4,‍which brought widespread bad weather to large parts of the country Center-North and violent thunderstorms even on main islands.

The Anticyclone that ‍had dominated the weather Summer will give way to new phases of instability and mark the beginning of a more dynamic phase Autumn. ⁢ Autumn weather is thus established, which brings not only a drop in temperatures, but also the arrival of the first significant disturbances of the season.

By Jasper

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