Fox Weatherman interrupts report to save woman

A Fox Weather meteorologist interrupted his report on Hurricane Helene north of Atlanta early Friday to rescue a woman he heard screaming. (See video.) The woman was trapped in her car by the flood. Bob Van Dillen told the woman that 911 had been called and rescuers were on the way. diversity Reports. As the water continued to rise, he decided to wade into the water and rescue her. He told Fox & friends About half an hour after the rescue, the water rose to his chest and when he reached the woman she was still strapped in and submerged up to her neck.

He said he couldn’t open the door because of the water pressure, but the woman was able to roll down the window. “The battery in this car is still alive and running,” he said. “In fact, I think the engine is still running.” Van Dillen – who is said to be 1.90 meters tall New York Post– brought the woman to safety. He said the woman, about 5 feet tall, would not have been able to wade out on her own. Van Dillen said the water was about 80 degrees, much warmer than expected.

“I know we’re inundated with all the emergency calls here because there are so many flood rescues that we’ve documented so far,” Van Dillen said, according to Fox News. “So I just said, ‘You know what? I realize I’m on the air with you, but I can’t help it.'” After the rescue, “she was cold and shaking, so I gave her one.” I took off my shirts and she was in our car and just set off, about 20 minutes later the fire department came, saw we were OK and headed off to the nearest rescue wherever they wanted to go,” he said. “Her husband just picked her up about five minutes ago.” (More Hurricane Helene stories.)

By Jasper

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