Candidates for Attorney General of North Carolina

Candidates for Attorney General of North Carolina

In recent years, the office of attorney general has served as a springboard to the highest job in the state. Current Governor Roy Cooper was North Carolina’s attorney general before taking the top job, and before him was Michael Easley, also attorney general and later governor. Now current Attorney General Josh Stein is running for governor. This office has also historically been a Democratic stronghold, as the last five incumbents have been Democrats.

Whoever wins in November will oversee crime and fraud in the Tar Heel State and represent government agencies in court. Because much of the attorney general’s work involves legal matters, the candidates must be lawyers.

Jeff Jackson, Democrat

  • Age: 42
  • Previous positions: Senator for the 37th District of North Carolina, Assistant District Attorney
  • Profession: US Congressman for the 14th District of North Carolina, Major in the Army National Guard, previously Attorney General
  • Viewpoints on the most important issues: Jackson has said that his main priority if elected will be to combat the fentanyl crisis by focusing on funding treatment programs and combating drug supply in North Carolina. He is committed to working to alleviate poverty by supporting Medicaid expansion, raising the minimum wage, and increasing the supply of affordable housing. He sees himself as an advocate for the LGBTQ community and supports a woman’s right to safe abortion care. He has also been very open about his dislike for the lack of support from both Democrats and Republicans for the creation of an independent redistricting committee.
  • Campaign news: Jackson’s congressional district was recently redistricted to give a Republican majority, and that’s when he filed his candidacy for attorney general, the Associated Press reported. He is known for his social media presence, where he makes explainer videos about what’s happening in Congress, and he has the support of current Attorney General Josh Stein and the governor.

Dan Bishop, Republican

  • Age: 60
  • Previous positions: Representative from North Carolina for the 104th congressional district, Senator from North Carolina for the 39th congressional district
  • Profession: U.S. Congressman for the 8th District of North Carolina, previously a commercial litigator
  • Viewpoints on the most important issues: Bishop’s campaign focused on Democratic power in the Attorney General’s office, saying that if elected, he would end their liberal propaganda and restore conservative values. Bishop is known for his support of North Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill,” which prevents transgender people from using a bathroom other than the one that corresponds to their biological sex assigned at birth.
  • Campaign news: Bishop is a staunch supporter of likely Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on social media and has called his hush money trial a “sham trial.”

By Jasper

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