Donald Trump accuses Kamala Harris of using AI to fake crowds at the airport and calls it “election interference”

Former President Donald Trump has made a bold accusation against Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming that she used artificial intelligence to create a fake crowd of supporters at an airport. In a social media post, Trump claimed that no one was present when Harris arrived at the airport, but a digitally created image showed a huge crowd of supporters that didn’t actually exist.

Trump’s contribution claims that a maintenance worker at the airport noticed the discrepancy and determined that in reality there was no crowd visible. He claims that this was later confirmed by the reflection in the mirror-like surface of the Vice President’s plane, which supposedly had no people visible, even though a large crowd was visible in the image.

According to Trump, the crowd in the image consisted of about 10,000 people and he suggested that similar tactics are used at Harris’ speeches to exaggerate her support. He further argued that this type of action amounts to “election interference” and called for her disqualification. He suggested that anyone willing to create a fake image would also be willing to cheat in other aspects.

Donald Trump Truth Social Post
Donald Trump Truth Social Post

So far, there has been no independent confirmation of Trump’s claims and no evidence to support the claim that AI was used to manipulate images of Harris’ appearances. The post has nevertheless sparked discussion online, with both supporters and critics speaking out about the allegations.

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By Jasper

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