Netflix film “Robot Apocalypse” uses real footage of the Battle of Mariupol

A Ukrainian soldier noticed that a scene in Netflix’s sci-fi film Atlas, in which robots attack humans, used original footage shot by Azov during the fighting for Mariupol. He noted this on his X page (formerly Twitter) on August 7.

“I decided to watch the Netflix movie ‘Atlas’, which is about a machine uprising against humans, and one of the first scenes showed a video of robots attacking humans. However, it is a real video clip shot by Azov during the fighting for Mariupol,” he wrote.

The post attracted considerable attention and sparked lively discussions among users.

“Our reality is scarier than their fiction,” commented a user nicknamed “Institute of Russophobia.”

“Such a denigration of the tragedy of the entire Ukrainian people. Why didn’t they use footage of the 9/11 Twin Towers tragedy instead? We would have watched with ‘fascination’ too,” wrote another user.

Some users actively tag the Netflix page.

“@netflix Are you OK with using real footage of a tragic event in Ukraine during the war and genocide? I can’t believe you have permission to include real video footage in a feature film.”

“Thanks, now I definitely won’t watch it. Even if it is mentioned in the credits or royalties are paid. Comparing so many deaths and family tragedies to entertainment content, especially in a context that has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine,” writes another user, Natali.

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So far, neither Netflix nor Ukrainian authorities have commented on the incident. However, UNITED24 Media has also commented on the broadcast.

“Atlas” is a 2024 American science fiction action film. Jennifer Lopez plays a highly trained counterterrorism analyst who is extremely skeptical of artificial intelligence and realizes that it may be her only salvation after a mission to arrest a rogue robot fails.

By Jasper

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