Food addiction versus cravings: Why we feel consumed by food | Sponsored: Ochsner

Addiction can be a scary word that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s never a good feeling when our cravings, desires or impulses seem to be spiraling out of control, especially when that feeling is accompanied by undertones of self-doubt, shame and a feeling of not being strong enough.

We usually think of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or gambling when we think of addiction, but for many reasons food addiction is often just as powerful. We all need to eat, so it’s impossible to “stop” eating, just like you can stop smoking or drinking. It can be difficult to distinguish the symptoms of food addiction from normal cravings or everyday feelings of hunger. It’s a difficult question to ask ourselves: is this really an addiction I’m battling, or do I just need to muster more willpower?

Research is constantly evolving and shows that food addiction can actually be a real phenomenon for many people.

“There is a central reward pathway in our brain that can be triggered by drugs and alcohol, leading to reinforcement and addiction,” explains Dr. David Galarneau, associate director of psychiatry at Ochsner Health, who specializes in addiction disorders. “We now know that food can also trigger this reward pathway.”

The extent of this can vary from person to person, but the feelings are always there. Overwhelming thoughts around food and frustration over what we perceive as a lack of willpower can lead to repeated disappointment in ourselves when we once again give in to our cravings and lose the battle of will with the food noise in our brain.

Ashley Gearhardt, PhD, associate professor of psychology and director of the Food Addiction Science and Treatment Laboratory at the University of Michigan, is a renowned food addiction expert who has dedicated her career to studying addictions, particularly those related to food and compulsive eating. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Yale University, where she developed the Yale Food Addiction Scale, a tool that applies diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders to our eating habits. The purpose of the tool is to provide insights to help individuals and health professionals better understand and manage food-related behaviors.

The big question: Can you become addicted to food?

According to Dr. Gearhardt, the answer is yes, especially when it comes to processed foods.

“Highly processed foods – those high in sugar and fat – are specifically designed by food manufacturers to activate our brain’s ‘happy spots,'” explains Dr. Gearhardt. “They are intentionally formulated to be irresistible and to affect our brain’s reward system in a similar way to addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco.”

Dr. Gearhardt adds: “Research shows that (laboratory) animals, even those that were previously addicted to cocaine, choose sweets in most cases when given the choice between drugs and sugar. This is shocking.”

This realization is crucial because it helps us understand that certain foods can hijack our brain chemistry and that our problems with eating are not just a matter of self-control. In fact, the lure of highly processed foods can be completely consuming for people with a tendency toward food addiction.

Actionable advice: Identify triggers and make changes

First, understanding is key. Realize that these foods are intentionally made to keep us wanting more of them. Dr. Gearhardt urges us to think critically about ultra-processed foods and how they impact our health differently. Not only do these foods put a strain on our waistlines, but they can also negatively impact our mental well-being by fueling anxiety and depression, which in turn make us reach for more of these foods and reinforce the cycle of addiction.

“It’s also important to identify our personal triggers, those signals that can lead to cravings,” says Dr. Galarneau. “Triggers can be almost anything. Think back to the people, places or things that have triggered cravings in the past. It can be certain foods or events that revolve around food. Certain environments or emotional states – most commonly negative emotions – can also be triggers.”

Knowing our triggers can help us manage our reactions, give us a greater sense of control, and make healthier choices.

“It’s important to remember that cravings can come and go. The trick is to keep yourself busy and distracted until the cravings come,” says Dr. Galarneau, who recommends identifying “substitute behaviors” in advance – activities and distractions that we can effectively resort to when cravings arise.

A call for compassion and Community

As we embark on this journey, we should treat ourselves with the same understanding and compassion we would give to a friend going through personal challenges. Change can feel hard, but it’s easier when we’re not going through it alone.

Surround yourself with multiple levels of support, whether it’s a nutritionist, a behavioral therapist, a trusted friend, or a supportive community, either in person or online. After all, our ultimate goal is not only to live healthier lives individually, but to create an environment where we can all thrive.

In the spirit of a healthier environment, I encourage you to consider that our food choices are not only determined by hunger. They are influenced by a complex web of personal and social factors, as well as the addictive nature of many of the foods we come into contact with every day.

Let’s continue this conversation of support, both at our tables and in our communities. Take care of yourselves and remember to see the positive in everything you encounter this week. I look forward to seeing you back here next Sunday.

Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD, is a registered dietitian with Ochsner Health and founder of the nonprofit initiative Ochsner’s Eat Fit. For more wellness content, listen to Molly’s podcast FUELED Wellness + Nutrition and follow @MollykimballRD and @EatFitOchsner on social media.

By Jasper

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