3 key insights from Datassential’s mid-year food and beverage trends report

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  • 3 key insights from Datassential’s mid-year food and beverage trends report

Datassential recently released its Mid-Year Trends Report, and the Resurgence of pickup and takeaway after the pandemic stood out as a notable movement impacting the food and beverage industry.

As the dust finally settles from the COVID-19 pandemic, the restaurant landscape is changing in unexpected ways. While some may have predicted the dominance of delivery services, it’s pickup and takeout that have emerged as the champions of the moment. Nearly half of operators report an increase in these formats, suggesting consumers still crave the convenience of restaurant-quality meals without the frills of in-person dining.

While in-person dining is making a modest comeback—55% of fast-casual operators are seeing an uptick—the appeal of simply grabbing a meal and going remains undiminished. This rise in pickup and takeout speaks to a deeper trend: a desire for flexibility. Consumers want the best of both worlds—a restaurant experience on their terms, without having to sit down to eat.

Other notable restaurant statistics so far in 2024:

  • 46% of operators observed an increase in personal meals last year
  • 48% of restaurant operators reported an increase in take-away orders
  • 55% of fast-casual operators reported an increase in personal meal times

Video games: The new frontier for food and beverage marketing

Once the preserve of teenagers’ bedrooms, video games have now become a cultural juggernaut, infiltrating every corner of American life. Nearly 200 million Americans now count themselves as gamers, and this digital pastime influences far more than just entertainment choices. A staggering 45% of gamers are enticed to purchase food and beverages based on game content or advertising.

This is particularly pronounced among younger demographics – Gen Z and Millennials – who are more likely to identify as avid gamers. Blending gaming and food experiences presents a great opportunity for brands to capture attention and wallets in new and innovative ways. The line between the virtual and the real is increasingly blurred, making gaming fertile ground for those looking to make an impact in the food industry.

Notable statistics about gamers:

  • 23% of Americans describe themselves as avid gamers, with the percentage being even higher among Generation Z (37%) and Millennials (33%).
  • 45% of gamers have purchased food or drinks under the influence of gaming-related content

Pad Thai: A noodle dish with staying power

In the ever-evolving world of food trends, pad thai has proven itself not only as a dish, but also as a canvas for culinary creativity. The rise of pad thai, particularly its vegetable and chicken variants, signals more than just a love of Thai cuisine—it’s an expression of a general consumer desire for customization and health-conscious eating.

The pandemic has accelerated this trend as more consumers sought familiar yet adaptable dishes. Vegetable pad Thai, in particular, has seen a 64% increase on menus over the past 12 months, driven by a growing preference for plant-based options. Meanwhile, chicken pad Thai is forecast to grow 81% over the next four years, according to AI forecasts.

The success story of Pad Thai is one of versatility. Whether it’s the trend toward plant-based dishes, the need for affordable protein options, or simply the convenience of a balanced noodle dish, Pad Thai ticks all the boxes and is a menu staple with a future as bright as its taste.

Notable Pad Thai Stats:

  • +64% 12-month growth on vegetable pad thai menus.
  • +81% 4-year AI growth forecast for Chicken Pad Thai.
  • +52% 4-year AI growth forecast for vegetable pad thai.

In a world where trends come and go as quickly as a fleeting Instagram story, these three insights from Datassential’s mid-year trends report offer a glimpse into the evolving tastes and preferences shaping the food and beverage industry. The return of pickup and takeout meals, the growing influence of video games, and the enduring appeal of pad Thai are all testaments to a dining landscape in constant flux, driven by the desires of a consumer craving both novelty and nostalgia.

The Food Institute Podcast

In this episode of The Food Institute Podcast, IFDA President and CEO Mark S. Allen discussed the most pressing challenges and innovative solutions in the food distribution industry. Allen addressed issues such as labor shortages, transportation issues, technological advancements, and the importance of industry events such as IFDA’s Solutions Conference.

By Jasper

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