2 firefighters charged with arson and home invasion in Hill County

HILL COUNTY, Texas (KXXV) – A scheme to get quick and easy money ended with two volunteer firefighters behind bars in Hill County.

This home belonged to a nearby family member of one of the accused firefighters, who was out of town at the time of the incident.

The story takes place off FM 2604 in Hill County and revolves around the criminal investigation into a June burglary and arson case involving 19-year-old Justin Moore and 21-year-old Robert Vieregge.

A total of 21 weapons were stolen from the house.

Robert White, a detective with the Hill County Sheriff’s Office, says the case didn’t initially produce many leads, but there were turning points when –

  • One of the stolen weapons, a rifle, surfaced due to a questionable arms deal with Moor
  • At about the same time, Vieregge ended up in the hospital after Moore accidentally shot him in the leg with one of the stolen weapons.

From then on, new questions arose and the case was given new life – Vieregge actually turned himself in to the authorities.
“Both of them fully confessed to breaking into the house,” White said.

Moore’s bail was reportedly set at a total of $515,000 on the burglary and arson charges, and Vieregge’s bail was set at $15,000 on the burglary charge.

Moore and Vieregge were both initially released on bail after initially being charged with burglary, but Moore was arrested last week and charged with arson.

“After we received the confession to arson, the state fire marshal obtained a warrant for Justin’s arrest on that charge and he remains in jail today,” White said.

Both men helped investigators secure most of the weapons.

“As far as I know, both were unemployed – they were young people who were short of money,” White said.

“Both have shown great remorse.”

Investigator White says his side’s investigation is complete and the case is now moving toward prosecution.

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